5 Commonly Believed Myths About Dentistry and Oral Health
November 8, 2022 / DENTISTRY
Dental professionals take the care of your oral health very seriously, and part of that care involves educating patients about things that can make a positive or negative impact on the health of your mouth, gums and teeth.
That’s why your family dentist in Windsor has put together this list of commonly believed myths about dentistry and oral health, explaining why they are incorrect and providing the accurate information you need to make informed decisions and choices.
1. Eating sugar harms your teeth
It’s true – sugar is bad for your overall health and wellbeing, including your teeth. However, while eating and drinking large amounts of sugar can impact other areas of your health, it’s not the actual consumption of sugar that causes tooth decay.
Rather, tooth decay is caused by sugar sitting on the surface of the teeth. The longer the sugar sits, the better opportunity it has to eat through the tooth enamel, causing decay and, eventually, cavities. If you do eat or drink something sugary, be sure to rinse or brush soon afterwards.
2. Sugar-free pop is better for your teeth
While consuming diet sodas does mean you don’t have to worry about rinsing sugar off your teeth, you should be aware that any type of pop, including sugar-free options, are extremely acidic which can be just as damaging to your tooth enamel as sugary foods and drinks.
3. White teeth are healthy teeth
While it’s certainly true that dark discoloured teeth can indicate a problem, it’s important to note that natural tooth colour can vary significantly from person to person.
Just because the natural colour of one person’s teeth is darker or lighter than another person’s, this does not mean that one person’s teeth are healthier than the others. Instead of using tooth colour as an indication of health, dentists pay more attention to factors like odor, history of cavities, and gum health to make determinations about a patient’s oral health.
4. Braces are ugly, and only for young people
Thanks to advances in dental technologies, tooth straightening options have come a long way. It’s now very common for adults to seek out treatment for their misaligned or crooked teeth, often opting for less visible, less invasive, and more comfortable options like Invisalign.
5. If a toothache goes away, you don’t need to worry about it
Pain and discomfort caused by cavities or other dental problems can come and go. If you have a toothache that suddenly disappears, this does not mean that the problem causing the toothache has disappeared as well. It’s important to visit the dentist to find out what caused the pain in the first place.
These are just five of the many commonly believed misconceptions about dental care and oral health. If you have questions about your oral health, call the Windsor dental team at Dr. Dan Foresto’s office today. We’ll schedule a dental checkup and answer any questions you may have.